Unraveling the Quagmire: Examining Challenges and Controversies in Pakistan’s 2024 Elections


The aftermath of Pakistan’s 2024 elections has left the nation flabbergasted, confounding, and confronting significant challenges and controversies. The Supreme Court’s decision to strip the Bat symbol as an election balloting mark initiated a series of events, including the alleged snatching of nomination papers and subsequent widespread disqualification of candidates. Despite these hurdles, numerous candidates persisted, underscoring the difficulty of ensuring a fair and democratic electoral process.

ECP’s Failure and Rigging Allegations:

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), led by a much-contested figure Sikander Sultan Raja, is under substantial scrutiny for not carrying out its constitutional obligations. The 2024 elections are severely tainted by extensive accusations of rigging and unprecedented manipulation, with returning officers encountering allegations of altering vote counts and results. Despite a substantial budget of 47 billion Rupees of the already burdened nation, the ECP’s gross handling of the electoral process resulted in what is now commonly perceived as a farcical and sham election.

Demand for Accountability:

There is a mounting clarion call for accountability, urging action against those responsible for the chaos. CEC Sultan Sikander Raja and other officials are accused of nasty ineptitude and active involvement in rigging and fraud during result compilation. The scale of alleged misconduct necessitates severe punishment for willful distortion and altering the peoples’ rights enshrined in the 1973 Constitution, marking it as a fitting case for strong legal action against those subverting the voters’ choice.

Supreme Court’s Intervention:

Given the gravity of the deteriorating situation, the Supreme Court must intervene to address the profound concerns raised. The appeal filed by #PTI regarding the decision to strip the election symbol Bat should be thoroughly reviewed without further wastage of time. This move is crucial to restoring faith in the democratic process and accurately representing the people’s will in the process.

Tehreek-e-Insaf’s Claim to Form Government:

Amidst the deepening chaos, Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has the justified right to engage in political negotiations with other parties and attempt to shape and formulate a government — a process consistently denied over the past two years. Democratic principles should reasonably prevail, allowing for a fair and transparent political landscape where all eligible parties have the opportunity to participate in due process.

Constitutional and Legal Safeguards for Voters:

The rights of voters have been significantly compromised in this electoral turmoil. Legal recourse available to voters who feel deceived by candidates switching allegiances after winning tickets and campaigning under pretenses is essential. Filing fraud FIRs against such candidates, accompanied by evidence such as party tickets and campaign materials, is the initial step toward seeking justice.

Moreover, voters have the right to petition the concerned District Court under Section 22 and file constitutional petitions under Article 199 in the High Court. These legal avenues can be pursued to rectify fraudulent deprivations of fundamental rights and seek the immediate suspension and annulment of the success notifications of candidates engaged in such malpractices.

Navigating the Past: A Critical Examination of PDM’s Previous Tenure and the Caution Against PDM 2.0

In considering the prospect of reintroducing the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) for a second term is going to be in the offing, it is crucial to reflect upon the experiences and actions of its initial tenure. It is still haunting in the memories of the first term that persist in the minds of the people of Pakistan.

The PDM 2.0 suggests a wariness towards the potential consequences and implications of a renewed political movement. How they have manipulated their term in the first place and the continuation of those policies, the continued force or pressure associated with the reintroduction of PDM. It suggests a serious concern that the policies, decisions, or actions carried out during the earlier period have left a lasting and unfavorable impact on the masses.

The first tenure points towards a critical examination of the policies and governance exhibited by PDM during their initial term. There is a popular belief that these actions have not been forgotten by the populace and continue to shape public perception.

To conclude this discussion, the 2024 elections in Pakistan have revealed a challenging and controversial landscape, necessitating immediate attention from legal and constitutional authorities. The prompt intervention of the Supreme Court, an examination of crucial decisions, and a dedication to maintaining democratic values and principles are imperative for restoring the faith of the Pakistani people in their electoral system. As the nation is seriously grappling with the aftermath of these elections, a transparent, equitable, and accountable process must be pursued to ensure the foundation of a stable and democratic Pakistan.



Syed Zubair Ahmed: Freelance writer |
Syed Zubair Ahmed: Freelance writer |

Written by Syed Zubair Ahmed: Freelance writer |


As a freelance writer, I craft insightful narratives that dissect trends, spark dialogue, and illuminate the ever-shifting global landscape. Join me on journey.

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